
Useful Resources

Short Essay Questions

Download the short essay questions. Please note that you are still REQUIRED to create and electronically submit the responses through our online application to be considered for the Youth Awards.
YA Essay Questions Form (PDF, 170kB)

Letter of Recommendation

The letter of recommendation can be written by a teacher, mentor, employer or someone who knows the applicant outside their family structure. The letter must include a brief description of the relationship to the applicant, a statement of how the applicant exemplifies excellence in the chosen category, dedication to community service and why the applicant is a role model.
The letter should not exceed one page (typed) and must include the writer's name, title, address, phone number and email address. Letters of recommendation can be uploaded electronically through the applicant’s online application or have the option of submitting via a link that the applicant can request on their application.
Letter of Recommendation Request Form (PDF, 155kB)

School Transcript

To complete a Youth Awards application, you must submit a school transcript via the application portal. The official or unofficial school transcript, should include your 9th, 10th, and 11th academic grades and cumulative GPA. The school transcript you submit must be the most recent, which should reflect your current 12th grade classes. If it is a paper transcript, please scan it and upload it on the application portal. If it is a file, please upload it in DOC, PDF, PNG or JPEG format.
School Transcript (PDF, 106kB)